Like sands through the hourglass, so are the gchats of our lives.

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the gchats of our lives.

Jenn and Michele have been friends since freshman year of high school (they will not reveal how long this has been, but just know it’s been a looong time) when they sat in band class making fun of everyone else. It was a friendship forged out of sarcasm and poking fun at others, which continues to this very day. While still in high school, there were many moments where Jenn would be saying something, and Michele would finish her sentence, or Michele would ask “What…” and Jenn would be able to answer. This led to them saying that they each lived in one another’s brain (and many jokes about how spacious their brains were). And thus, the photo at the top of the blog…

This blog consists of excerpts from actual conversations between Jenn and Michele, with illustrations to add some flair (inspired by our favorite blogger, Hyperbole and a Half). Posts by Jenn will be in one font, by Michele in a different font. Any questions/comments/concerns are welcome: We hope you enjoy a glimpse into the craziness that is our brain!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Elelator Sharks

If you've never seen Malibu Shark Attack, you are missing out on some quality shark attack and subsequent killing action. The basic plot is this:
"An underwater earthquake generates a tsunami that strikes Malibu, bringing a hunting pack of prehistoric-looking goblin sharks to the surface. Although the beach is evacuated before the big wave strikes, a group of lifeguards and a crew of construction workers are stranded in the high water and have to fight the sharks to get to dry land."
The high water allows the sharks to swim right up to buildings and have a human feast as shown in this well-acted clip. But the humans fought back with chain saws from the construction site and were finally able to defeat the sharks.

One day shortly after our viewing of this movie, it began to rain heavily at Michele's office and we feared this might cause the river to rise and in no time sharks would start swimming around the building, taking elelators to attack unsuspecting employees. Michele went to a meeting and was gone for some time, so I was sure this is what had happened to her:

Thankfully, she was sure to take her chainsaw along and made it out alive!

Jenn: michele run away for a long timei hope the sharks did not get you!! Michele: they almost didbut then i chopped them up with the chainsawbut then more came cause of the scent of chopped up shark so i had to enlist everyone to chop the sharks with chainsaws and various toolsit was a very harrowing experience

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