Like sands through the hourglass, so are the gchats of our lives.

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the gchats of our lives.

Jenn and Michele have been friends since freshman year of high school (they will not reveal how long this has been, but just know it’s been a looong time) when they sat in band class making fun of everyone else. It was a friendship forged out of sarcasm and poking fun at others, which continues to this very day. While still in high school, there were many moments where Jenn would be saying something, and Michele would finish her sentence, or Michele would ask “What…” and Jenn would be able to answer. This led to them saying that they each lived in one another’s brain (and many jokes about how spacious their brains were). And thus, the photo at the top of the blog…

This blog consists of excerpts from actual conversations between Jenn and Michele, with illustrations to add some flair (inspired by our favorite blogger, Hyperbole and a Half). Posts by Jenn will be in one font, by Michele in a different font. Any questions/comments/concerns are welcome: We hope you enjoy a glimpse into the craziness that is our brain!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Beware of Jetsam and Flotsam

I'm sure many of you have registered for emails to be sent to you for alerts about sales at various locations.  I know I have, and although I usually delete most of them, I'm so glad that I took a look at an email I recently received from REI.  

First, some background to the story.  While describing his Fourth of July activities to me, my friend Mike said that he was out on the Charles River on a friend's boat, and was debating about whether he should jump into the river or not, as so many others around him were doing.  (For those of you not from Boston/unfamiliar with the Charles River, information about why he was hesitating).  He finally decided that this was probably his only chance to ever swim in the river, so dove in.  After returning to my office, I saw that I had an email from REI telling me about their upcoming events.  (REI stores have a calendar of events for the upcoming month of things that will be happening at the local stores: for Boston people, for DC people, all others, go here and type in your location).  One of the events was, lo and behold, a Charles River Swim!  So I clicked on the event in order to share with Mike.  Upon reading about the swim, however, I was struck by an interesting phrase: Swimmers may encounter random jetsam and flotsam in the river."

So I emailed Mike:
Apparently… you can swim the Charles in a race!  Read the description and let me know if anything stands out to you.

He emailed back:
Whatever do you mean?
oh….wait…..Swimmers may encounter random jetsam and flotsam in the river.

Naturally, I needed to share this with Jenn.  So I sent her the same link, and she laughed about the jetsam and flotsam in the water.

Jennifer: hehe jetsam and flotsamMichele: i had no idea ursula was lurking just out the window!
 Jennifer: better watch out!!Michele: now i not only have to be ware of elelator sharks.. but ursula as well!maybe she controls the sharks!!
Jennifer: ooohhh maybe she does!
Michele: ruh roh!
Jennifer: i feel the need to draw a picture..Jennifer: this picture will be epidor epicwhatev

And epic it is:

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