Like sands through the hourglass, so are the gchats of our lives.

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the gchats of our lives.

Jenn and Michele have been friends since freshman year of high school (they will not reveal how long this has been, but just know it’s been a looong time) when they sat in band class making fun of everyone else. It was a friendship forged out of sarcasm and poking fun at others, which continues to this very day. While still in high school, there were many moments where Jenn would be saying something, and Michele would finish her sentence, or Michele would ask “What…” and Jenn would be able to answer. This led to them saying that they each lived in one another’s brain (and many jokes about how spacious their brains were). And thus, the photo at the top of the blog…

This blog consists of excerpts from actual conversations between Jenn and Michele, with illustrations to add some flair (inspired by our favorite blogger, Hyperbole and a Half). Posts by Jenn will be in one font, by Michele in a different font. Any questions/comments/concerns are welcome: We hope you enjoy a glimpse into the craziness that is our brain!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Don't Cry Over Spilled Lunch

Like many inhabitants of CubicleWorld (we actually have offices here, but OfficeWorld just doesn’t have the same ring), especially those that don’t make the big bucks, I normally brown bag it for lunch to save some money. Typical fare is whatever healthyish frozen lunches were on sale at the grocery store...healthy choice (hc), lean cuisine (lc), etc. Those of you that have had these know the packaging is not all that sturdy and well, I can be a little clumsy sometimes...

me: i spilled my lunch all over myself and the floor :(
Michele: ohno!!
me: i smell like herbs now
Michele: hehe
you're herby
me: i am
Michele: what was for lunch?
me: chicken and pasta lc
i was cutting the chicken and the thing flipped over

I didn’t have money to buy a new lunch and I was pretty hungry, so I channeled my inner Joey “it’s still food” Tribiani.

me: i ate what i could salvage from my pants (steven said i'm very classy ;))
Michele: that you are
that you are
i would have done the same

And whether or not you want to admit it, I bet most of you would have too!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I graduated!!

Hello there dear followers.  Thank you for your extreme patience with us.  We know that it has been ages and ages since we last posted.  And we apologize for that.  The good news, however, is that Michele graduated!!!  She is now a Master of the Universe!  I mean, no... I am actually a Master of Education.  My full degree title is a Master's of Education in Counseling with a specialization in Sport Psychology.  How's that for an impressive title??

What does this mean??  It means that my research methods techniques, so eloquently described in our last post, were a raving success and BU granted me a fancy degree after three and a half years of hard work.  It also means that I will have more time to help out with the blog (all this 'free time' people keep speaking of), so you can expect to see more blog postings in the near future.  Huzzah!

Photo courtesy of Jenn!! :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Effective Research Method

Ok ok, once again, life has gotten in the way of posting a new laugh for your day – but the wait is over!  Here we go... I hope you find this not only amusing, but helpful for all future research pursuits.  

So in the Spring of 2009 I was taking an awful awful awful class that I dreaded on a weekly basis.  It was my Research Methods course, a requirement for my program, and was one of the most painful classes I have ever had to endure.  Anyways, as these things usually go, when we don’t like a course we procrastinate getting work done for the course because we know it will be painful.   There was one day in particular that I had an impending deadline and was just dragging my feet to get the paper done.  Jenn was bored at work (gasp! That never happens) so to cure her boredom, I suggested she write my paper for me.

Jennifer: bored bored bored
me: :(
  youve got mail!
Jennifer: aw - yay!!
me: hehe
Jennifer: lalalaaaaaaaaaaaaa
me: beooootiful!
  you wanna write my paper for me?
Jennifer: what it's on?
  wow...that's good grammar..sure you want me to write it? haha
me: lol
me: its for my research methods class
  so its crap
Jennifer: hah - i can write crap ;)
me: alright!
  you need to talk about your literature review (at least 10 articles)
  what your research question is
  and how you would go about doing a project
Jennifer: ok, so i reviewed some articles and i think they all suck
my question is why do they suck so bad
  and i would go about finding out the answer by hunting down the people that wrote the articles and kicking them in the head until they explained what they were thinking
aaand i'm spent
me: LOL
  i LOVE it!!

And now, thanks to this conversation, we have a fail-safe Research Method we would like to propose to you, the general public.  When faced with researching something, and the articles are not up to your standards...

Simply find the author of said research article:
And demand an explanation as to why the article is so terrible:
It's bound to be more fun than sitting in a library!!

Fine Print - Jenn and Michele do not actually endorse random acts of violence on strangers.  Only on those you know, and only in a joking manner.  ;o)